Kaori Miyachi

Kaori Miyachi Faculty of Art and Regional Design, Saga University
Research Fields I have conducted my research with a focus on the theme of women’s health in Kenya. When I was a postgraduate student, I worked on similar themes related to reproductive health, such as family planning and female circumcision, among the Gusii people in the western part of the country. In recent years, I have conducted research on women in farming communities in the coastal area, including the town of Kwale, in pursuit of theme of aging issues in Africa. In the arrival of exponential aging of the population was predicted, but the topic has not been explored with sufficient studies since the countries are still in the process of development. Gerontology is a new area of study even in Japan. I value the importance of this topic both in Africa and in Japan, since it may contribute to maintaining good quality of life for elderly persons.
Main Works
  • Miyachi, Kaori. 2014. Cultural Transformation: Socio-cultural Aspects of Female Circumcision among the Gusii People in Kenya, Nilo-Ethiopean Studies, vol. 19, 1-15.
  • Miyachi, Kaori. 2011. Applying Anthropological Research Methods for HDSS (Health Demographic Surveillance System) in Kenya
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