Maya Abe

Abe Maya Center for Multilingual Education, Osaka University
Research Fields I specialize in the sociolinguistics of Bantu languages. I have conducted descriptive research on two sub-varieties of the Ma’a (also called Mbugu) language spoken in the West Usambara massif area in Tanzania in perspective of contacts of languages. During my research this summer (2016), I discovered a language that was different from what I had described in the past and which appeared to be a mixture of the two varieties. I am currently considering how to study and analyze it.
Main Works
  • Abe, Maya. forthcoming. “Relative clause constructions in Ma’a/Mbugu.” Selected Proceedings of 8th World Congress of African Linguistics.
  • Abe, Maya. 2016. “Grammaticalization of tense and aspect markers in Ma’a/Mbugu.” 46th Colloquium on African Languages and Linguistics (Leiden University).
  • Abe, Maya. 2016. “Counterfactual conditional sentences in Mbugu.” 6th International Conference on Bantu Languages (University of Helsinki).
  • Abe, Maya 2015. “Relative clause constructions in Ma’a/Mbugu.” 8th World Congress of African Lingustics (Kyoto University).
  • Abe, Maya. 2011. “Applicative and double object constructions in Mbugu/Ma’a.” Berlin Bantu Conference (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin).
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