Hideyuki Tsujimura

Tsujimura Hideyuki Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University
Research Fields 1. Understanding of under development of African farming communities with an analytical view of the south-north division and the dependency theory, and clarification of the roles of rural cooperatives for rural development and poverty reduction -> Evaluation of diverse roles and functions of cooperatives and agricultural support organizations around the world.
2. Revealing unfairness of the price formation for “Kilimanjaro” coffee by food system analysis framework and roles of fair-trade for rectitude of such unfairness and poverty reduction -> Consideration of the mechanisms to support agriculture by purchase and of discussion-based price formation to foster ethical consumers to promote such mechanisms.
3. Structure analysis of farm household economy and management in Kilimanjaro in the analysis framework of “institutional” farm household economics and management studies -> Comparative analysis of farm household economy and management in Japan, France and Kilimanjaro.
Main Works
  • Tsujimura H. , Farming Household Management and Fair Trade in Mt. Kilimanjaro, The 2nd KU-KUGSA Bilateral Symposium on “Food, Environment and Life for the Next Generation” , December 2016
  • Tsujimura H. ,Effects of Fair Trade Project with Lukani Villagers (FTPLukani), 8th Fair Trade Town International Conference in Kumamoto, March 2014
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