Taku Iida

Iida Taku National Institutes for the Humanities National Museum of Ethnology
Research Fields I have been researching livelihoods dependent primarily on fishing, mainly in Madagascar, an island off the coast of Africa. A number of actors, including national governments, international organizations and NGOs, who have recently begun activities in rural areas, have been promoting sustainable fishing practices among local fishermen in various ways. On the other hand, the fishermen continuously strive to utilize new fishing methods in order to maintain their income. While diversification of the species that are targeted means that the pressure on specific fish species has not seemed to increase, the growing population is likely to engender a continued decline in resources. We need to seek solutions consistently in the same manner as we do for climate change.
Main Works
  • Bram Tucker, Mr. Tsimitamby, Frances Humber, Sophie Benbow, Taku Iida 2010. Foraging for Development: A Comparison of Food Insecurity, Production, and Risk among Farmers, Forest Foragers, and Marine Foragers in Southwestern Madagascar. Human Organization 62 (4): 375-386.
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