[政治・国際関係ユニット第6回研究会 & 西アフリカ・クラスター第4回研究会]Kate Meagher「The Strength of Weak States?: Hybrid Governance and Non-State Security Forces in Nigeria and the Congo」(2012年11月09日開催)

日 時:2012年11月9日(金)18:00~19:30
場 所:東京大学駒場キャンパス18号館4階コラボレーションルーム3


Kate Meagher (London School of Economics and Political Science)

“The Strength of Weak States?: Hybrid Governance and Non-State Security Forces in Nigeria and the Congo”


This lecture will look at whether non-state security forces (vigilantes, militias, etc.) can provide a second-best source of security in fragile regions. It starts with a critique of new ‘hybrid governance’ approaches to state-building, which encourage the integration of informal security arrangements into state structures. This sets the scene for a comparative analysis of the Bakassi Boys of Nigeria and the RCD-ML militia in the Eastern DRC, which challenges the notion that informal security arrangements necessarily enjoy local legitimacy, and raises questions about their potential for improving the governance context even if they start out as locally legitimate forces.

カテゴリー: 政治・国際関係(テーマ別研究ユニット) パーマリンク