Itaru Ohta

OHTA Itaru Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University
Research Fields I have conducted my research from the perspective of an anthropologist with a focus on pastoralist societies across the arid areas in Africa, such as domestic animals’ societal actions and related techniques of grazing management, identification systems including classification and individual recognition of cattle by their body colors and characteristics of their horns, identification and treatment of cattle disease, and systems of ownership, gift and exchange of cattle. Currently, important research themes of mine include how people grasp and cope with tumultuous social environments caused by globalization of the economy and politics or what conflicts and disputes have occurred and how they seek to coexist under forced immigration (including immigration for internal and ethnic conflicts or for development projects).
Main Works
  • Gebre, Y., I. Ohta and M. Matsuda (eds.) African Virtues in the Pursuit of Conviviality: Exploring Local Solutions in Light of Global Prescriptions. Bamanda: Langaa RPCIG. Xvi+432pp.
  • Ohta, I., S. Oyama, T. Sagawa, and S. Ichino (eds.) 2014. Conflict Resolution and Coexistence: Realizing African Potentials, African Study Monographs, Supplementary Issue, No. 50. Kyoto: Kyoto University, 205pp.
  • Ohta, I., S. Oyama, T. Sagawa, and Y. Ito (eds.) 2013. African Potentials 2013. Proceedings of International Symposium on Conflict Resolution and Coexistence, October 5-6, 2013, Kyoto: Kyoto University., xxiii+201pp.
  • Ohta, I. and Y. D. Gebre (eds.) 2005. Displacement Risks in Africa: Refugees, Resettlers and Their Host Population. Kyoto: Kyoto University Press. 394pp.
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