[出版のお知らせ] カメルーンの出版社Langaa RPCIGよりプロジェクトの成果(People, Predicaments and Potentials in Africa)が出版されました。

カメルーンの出版社Langaa RPCIGよりプロジェクトの成果(People, Predicaments and Potentials in Africa)が出版されました。編者は、落合雄彦(龍谷大学)、平野(野元)美佐(京都大学)、ダニエル・アグビボア(ハーバード大学)です。最終年度を迎えた本プロジェクトでは、研究成果を7冊の英文の書物として出版する予定です。この書物では、本プロジェクトの研究班(全7班)のひとつである「対立・共生班」のメンバーを中心とする執筆陣が、これまでの班会議や全体会議、アフリカ・フォーラムなどの成果を踏まえた議論を展開しています。


Table of Contents
Notes on Contributors
Series Preface: African Potentials for Convivial World-Making
Motoji Matsuda
Introduction: Africa is People
Takehiko Ochiai, Misa Hirano-Nomoto and Daniel E. Agbiboa

Part I. Potentials in the Everyda

  • 1. Local Recognition is Alienated from Global Discourse: Changes in Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) in a Kenyan Pastoral Community
    Kyoko Nakamura
  • 2. No Longer Oppose or Coexist: Forty Years of Trans-Border Business and the State in the Republic of the Congo
    Mikako Toda
  • 3. Crossing the Border between Informal and Formal Sectors: Twenty Years in the Life of an Entrepreneur in Yaoundé, Cameroon
    Misa Hirano-Nomoto
  • 4. Human Ecological Foundations of Farmer–Herder Conflict in the Sahel: Combining Field Observation, Remote Sensing and Computational Modelling
    Takuto Sakamoto

Part II. Potentials for Survival

  • 5. Subsistence Living Within the Market Economy: African Potentials for Survival in a Western Kenyan Mountain Village
    Motoji Matsuda
  • 6. A Faustian Bargain? The Puzzle of Community-Based Armed Groups in Africa
    Daniel E. Agbiboa
  • 7. Conflict and Collaboration in Zimbabwe’s Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining Sector
    Grasian Mkondzongi
  • 8. One Day, We Gonna Talk about It like a Story’: Hardships and Resilience of Migrant Women in South Africa from the Great Lakes Region
    Chizuko Sato

Part III. Politics and Potentials in Nigeria

  • 9. African ‘Kings’ and Globalisation: Chieftaincy and Transnational Mobility among Igbo Migrants in Japan
    Hisashi Matsumoto
  • 10. The 200-Year War: Anthropological Dimensions of Nigeria’s Pastoralist–Horticulturalist Politics
    Peter-Jazzy Ezeh
  • 11. Reforming Federalism: Military Rule, Institutional Engineering and the National Question in Nigeria
    Takehiko Ochiai


African Books Collective


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