[第9回公開ワークショップ]Kate Meagher「Taxing Times: Informal Economies and Religious Conflict in Northern Nigeria」(第9回Kyoto University African Studies Seminar (KUASS)との共催、2012年11月16日開催)

日 時:2012年11月16日(金)15:00~17:00
場 所:京都大学稲盛財団記念館3階中会議室

演題:「Taxing Times: Informal Economies and Religious Conflict in Northern Nigeria」
発表者:Dr. K. Meagher(ロンドン・スクール・オブ・エコノミクス)

要 旨: This lecture is based on research carried out in northern Nigeria in late 2011, just before the acceleration of terrorist bombing. It examines the role of informal economic activities, which in Nigeria tend to be based on ethnic and religious forms of organization, in exacerbating or mitigating religious conflict. The lecture focuses on three categories of informal activities, characterized by economic interdependence, competition and value conflicts between Christian and Muslim enterprise groups. It examines how the nature of informal economic relations influences inter-religious relations between each of these three categories of enterprises, and considers how government policy contributes to strengthening or undermining positive tendencies, or exacerbating negative processes. In the process, the lecture reveals the underlying basis of religious tension in northern Nigeria, and the social resources available to address it.

カテゴリー: ワークショップ パーマリンク